Turnaround Principal Academy
Turnaround Principal Academy

The Turnaround Principal Academy consists of professional development offered through the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to provide on-going individualized support for School Improvement Grant (SIG) Leaders. The high-quality sessions will focus on instructional leadership and school management strategies that build strong learning cultures. The Connected Educator Series builds on shared expertise of school leadership within North Carolina and the country to raise student achievement and increase graduation rates.
Previous Professional Development for School Leaders
June 21, 2017

The Connected Educator Series developed by NCDPI District and School Transformation in partnership with NCSU Northeast Leadership Academy is sponsoring EdCampNELA-DST on June 21, 2017 at Louisburg High School, Louisburg, NC. Lunch will be provided by NCDPI Digital Teaching and Learning Division. This collaborative event will be an innovative professional development opportunity for school leaders.
EdCampNELA-DST will provide a forum for school leaders to explore relevant topics related to leadership. During each of our previous sessions, participants engaged in collaboration, networking, and problem-solving for the success of students, educators, and schools in North Carolina. We could not be more excited to bring educators together in an edcamp format to continue our connected collaboration. This “unconference” style provides NC leaders an opportunity to share expertise, celebrate high impact practices, and strengthen network relationships.
We are committed to participant development of the agenda and discussion topics. This list may encourage your thinking and spark some interest about potential topics for our EdCamp. Check out this informative video about EdCamps to learn more about an unconference.
This session will be held at Louisburg High School (201 Allen Ln. Louisburg, NC 27549) from 8:30am – 3:30pm on Wednesday, June 21st.
Register for the the June 21st Session
March 16, 2017 Session
This professional development session featured Dr. Stephen Peters. Over his 32 years in education, Dr. Peters has been a classroom teacher, assistant principal, principal, director of secondary education and superintendent of schools. Most of his experiences have been in schools that made significant growth in short periods of time thus, resulting in both National and State Blue-Ribbon distinction. Dr. Peters is founder of the nationally recognized Gentlemen’s & Ladies Club programs, which provide options for thousands of at-risk and honor students throughout the United States. More information about Dr. Peters can be found here.
Session objectives included:
- Explore building a culture for leadership for staff and students
- Engage in collaboration, networking, and problem-solving for the success of students, educators, and schools in North Carolina
- Participate in a conversation about Dr. Peter’s book Do You Know Enough About Me to Teach Me?
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – March 2017.
January 19, 2017 Session
This professional development session featured Ms. Muriel Summers, principal of A.B. Combs Leadership Magnet Elementary School in Wake County, NC. Ms. Summers and her staff created the first leadership elementary school in the nation using Franklin Covey’s 7 Habits program as a foundation. Ms. Summers was named the 2016-2017 Wake County Principal of the Year. More information about Ms. Summers can be found here.
Session objectives included:
- Explore the impact of the organizational structures of a school to support student achievement
- Extend and refine instructional leadership practices
- Enhance instructional decision making with teacher and student data
- Engage in collaboration, networking, and problem-solving for the success of students, educators, and schools in North Carolina
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – January 2017.
November 17, 2016 Session
This professional development session provided school leaders with an opportunity to experience best practices by visiting spotlight schools. More information about the schools, featured topics, and resources can be found here.
Session objectives included:
- How will this help me grow as a leader, what will I take back to help my teachers, what will I take back to help my students?
- Engage in collaboration, networking, and problem-solving for the success of students, educators, and schools in North Carolina
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – November 2016.
September 21, 2016 Session
This professional development session featured Mr. Steve Lassiter, Jr., Wells Fargo 2015 Principal of the Year and Assistant Superintendent for Elizabeth-City Pasquotank Public Schools. More information about Mr. Lassiter and his presentation can be found here.
Session objectives included:
- Explore the impact of the organizational structures of a school to support literacy
- Extend and refine literacy practices as instructional leaders
- Engage in collaboration, networking, and problem-solving for the success of students, educators, and schools in North Carolina
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – September 2016
July 19 and 20, 2016 Session
This professional development session featured Ms. Evelyn Randle-Robbins. Ms. Randle-Robbins has progressed in her career as an educator, beginning as support staff personnel, moving into the classroom as a teacher, serving as assistant principal and principal of two Chicago Public Schools. More information about Ms. Randle-Robbins can be found here.
Session objectives included:
- Examine school culture and identify strategies for ensuring a culture of respect
- Learn how to recruit effective teachers
- Use discussion tools to refine improvement plans
- Discover how to use all members of the school to bring transformational change
- Engage in collaboration, networking, and problem-solving for the success of students, educators, and schools in North Carolina
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – July 2016.
April 20, 2016 Session
This professional development session featured Mr. Baruti Kafele, an expert in the area of “attitude transformation.” Mr. Kafele has been an elementary school teacher in East Orange, NJ, a middle and high school principal, and a professional education speaker. More information about Mr. Kafele and his presentation can be found here.
Session objectives included:
- Leverage community to become change agents for children
- Explore the impact of partnerships on academic achievement
- Evaluate meaningful community engagement practices
- Engage in collaboration, networking, and problem-solving for the success of students, educators, and schools in North Carolina
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – April 2016.
February 10, 2016 Session
This professional development session featured Dr. Mike Schmoker, a former school administrator, teacher, and football coach. He is the 2014 recipient of the Distinguished Service Award by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). More information about Dr. Schmoker and his presentation can be found here.
Session objectives included:
- Explore leaderships’ roles in providing clear expectations for data, especially in regards to collecting, informing instruction, and reflecting
- Engage with strategies for using data for meaningful instructional improvement
- Apply tools for effective data-use for higher levels of student learning
- Engage in collaboration, networking, and problem-solving for the success of students, educators, and schools in North Carolina.
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – February 2016.
December 2015 Session
This professional development session featured Dr. Shelley Arneson . The focus was on improving teaching, one conversation at a time. More information about Dr. Arneson can be found at arnesoncommunicates.weebly.com
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – December 2015
October 2015 Session
This professional development session featured Principal Salome Thomas-El. The focus was on the power of relationships and partnerships. More information about Principal Thomas-El can be found at http://principalel.com/
For more information about this session, please visit the following website: The Connected Educator Series – October 2015
May 2015 Session
This professional development session will focus on Digital Leadership, featuring Eric Sheninger. More information about Eric Sheninger can be found at Eric Sheninger
February 2015 Session
This professional development provided the opportunity for school leaders to conduct on-site visits. School leaders visited seven school that showcased a strength school leaders were interested in exploring. The seven schools consisted of 2 high schools, 2 middle schools, and 3 elementary schools in North Carolina.
November 24, 2014 Session
The Will to Lead: Creating and Sustaining Healthy and Productive School Cultures by Dr. Anthony Muhammad. This professional development session focused on creating and sustaining change. More information about Dr. Muhammad can be found at Dr. Anthony Muhammad