WPLP Fellows
Jessica Currin
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Jessica graduated with honors from Meredith College in Raleigh, NC with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a K-6 Teaching License. Jessica has worked in the Wake County Public School System since 2008, first as a third-grade teacher and later as a Title One Math Coach. She served as a Magnet Coordinator, pioneering the Environmental Connections Magnet Program at Lincoln Heights Magnet Elementary School. In addition to these roles, she has had many leadership opportunities which include Grade Chair, PBIS Chair, MTSS Chair, Leadership Team Member, Beginning Teacher Mentor, SIP Math Committee Chair and Testing Co-Coordinator. Jessica completed her principal residency at Sanderson High School during the 2019-2020 school year. She served as Magnet Coordinator at Lincoln Heights Magnet School, before returning to Sanderson High School as an Assistant Principal for the 2021/2022 school year. Currently, Jessica is the Senior Administrator for Northeastern Area for Wake County Public Schools.
Erica Fox Dale
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Harnett
Erica graduated with honors from Miami University of Ohio and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology and Environmental Principles and Practices. She was a 2013 Teach For America corps member in Eastern North Carolina and served her commitment at Northwest Halifax High School as a special education science teacher. She taught at Garner Magnet High School in Wake County as a special education reading teacher. Erica was also a member of the School Improvement Team and the Instructional Leadership Team. She completed her principal residency at River Bend Middle School during the 2019-2020 school year. Erica started the 2020 school year as as a 7th and 8th grade ELA Special Education Teacher at A.C Reynolds Middle School in Asheville, NC. Erica started her position as Assistant Principal at East Henderson High School in February 2021, then became Assistant Principal of South Harnett Elementary School in August 2021.
Erica Everett
Sponsoring District: Wake
Erica graduated with honors from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, earning a Bachelor of Arts in African American Studies with a minor in History. She then earned her Master of Education degree in Curriculum & Instruction from Lynchburg College in Lynchburg, Virginia. She taught Elementary Reading and Writing for the first four years of her teaching career. After her first year of teaching in Durham, at a charter school, she taught Social Studies in Mungyeoung, South Korea. Upon returning from South Korea, she transitioned into teaching in Wake County, where she co-led Equity teams and Caucuses, conducted professional development for staff, and served as a member of the Intervention Team at Moore Square Magnet Middle School. Erica led the Policy Project Initiative as a member of the Leadership Council of the Beginning Teacher Leadership Network. She is working on co-writing a Social Justice elective for Wake County Magnet schools curriculum. Erica served as a sixth grade Social Studies teacher at Moore Square Magnet Middle School. Erica completed her principal residency at Washington Elementary School then served as an Assistant Principal at South Lakes Elementary School. Currently, she serves in a coach position with EL Education.
Taylar Flythe
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Taylar earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Middle Grades Education from East Carolina University in May 2012. After graduation, she began teaching sixth grade science at Ligon Middle School in Raleigh, NC. Taylar served many roles at Ligon, including Grade Level Team Lead, Science Department Chair, and Cooperating Teacher. She was also an active member of the School Improvement Team, Equity Team, and Magnet Recruitment Team. In 2015, Taylar was selected as a Kenan Fellow and worked on a project creating Citizen Science projects within the Genomics lab at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. Taylar has written curriculum products for a variety of middle grades science objectives and was recognized as a Teacher of the Year Semi-Finalist in 2017. Taylar served as Magnet Coordinator and University Liaison at Centennial Campus Middle School in Raleigh, NC. Taylar completed her principal residency at Conn Elementary School during the 2019-2020 school year, then served as Assistant Principal at Carroll LT Magnet Middle School. Taylar then worked with an education non-profit consultant before currently serving as Assistant Principal at Centennial Campus Magnet Middle School.
Waun Fulton
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Linwaun (Waun) earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He worked with the Carolina College Advising Corps, serving as a college advisor in Warren County high schools. He has also served as an advisor for Student Government Association and Students Against Violence Everywhere. He later returned to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and obtained his Master of Education in School Counseling. He served as the 10th grade academic counselor at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School. Waun completed his principal residency at Moore Square Middle School during the 2019-2020 school year. He is currently serving as Assistant Principal at West Cary Middle School.
Jesse Gore
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Jesse earned an undergraduate degree in Middle Grades Language Arts and Social Studies and a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, both from NC State. Jesse was recognized as Dillard Drive Middle School’s Teacher of the Year and as a Wake County Teacher of the Year Finalist in 2016. Jesse spent the first seven years of his teaching career at Dillard Drive Middle School as a social studies and language arts teacher, where he also served as Leadership Team Chair, Yearbook Advisor, and Mentor. Jesse served as an Instructional Coach at Apex Friendship Middle School during the 2018-2019 school year. Jesse completed his principal residency at Alston Ridge Middle School during the 2019-2020 school year, then served as the Assistant Principal at Lufkin Road Middle School for the 2020-2021 school year. Jesse is currently serving as the – Principal of Centennial Middle School in Wake County.
Kate Miller
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Kate earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Meredith College. She also attended East Carolina University, where she earned a teaching license in Special Education and a Master of Education degree in Special Education with a concentration in Learning Disabilities. She served on the Instructional Learning Team for her school representing Special Education and the SIT. She was the chair of the SIT and of the Special Education Department. Kate taught Special Education Math at Holly Ridge Middle School. Kate completed her principal residency at Willow Springs Elementary School during the 2019-2020 school year then returned to teaching at Holly Ridge Middle School in August of 2020.
Monica Noa
Sponsoring District: Wake
Monica graduated Summa Cum Laude from Winston Salem State University where she received a Bachelors of Science Degree in Middle Grades Education – English Language Arts and Social Studies. As an undergraduate, she was a Millennium Teaching Scholar and a Chancellor Scholar. She also earned a Master of Education degree from Elon University in Gifted Education. Monica worked with 6th grade Language Arts in Durham Public Schools on curriculum development and improving instruction. Monica taught 8th Grade Language Arts at East Wake Middle School in Raleigh, NC. She also served as the Language Arts Department Chair, 8th Grade Level Chair, and on the Restart Team. Monica completed her principal residency at Knightdale Elementary School then served as an Assistant Principal at Neuse River Middle School. Monica was the Director of District Partnerships for EL Education for Wake County Public Schools until moving to New York where she is now the Director of District Partnerships for EL Education – New York.
Heather Peaden
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Heather Peaden earned a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education from Eastern Michigan University. She has taught all subject areas of 3rd grade and 5th grade at Underwood GT Magnet Elementary School. Heather served as the co-School Improvement chair for two years, after being a long-time member of the Leadership/SIP team. She has also been a member of the MTSS team, PBIS team, and the Discovery Teacher Leader Corps. Heather served as a third grade teacher at Underwood Elementary School. Heather completed her principal residency at Carroll Middle School during the 2019-2020 school year, then served as a 4th grade teacher at Underwood Elementary School for the 2020-2021 school year. Heather is currently serving as Assistant Principal at Enloe High School in Wake County.
Sara Rohleder
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Sara earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Binghamton and a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Bridgeport. She was a Kenan Fellow from 2010-2012 working with the Forest Biotechnology lab at NC State University. She has been a mentor teacher for eight years and also served as a cooperating teacher to several student interns. She has served as the PLT leader for Biology, participated on the School Improvement Team and was part of the Bring Your Own Device initiative at Middle Creek High School. She has been involved in student activities serving as an adviser for the Marine Biology club, was a coach for Science Olympiad, and was an adviser for the National Honor Society. She also worked for North Carolina Virtual Public Schools for a few years and served as a Course lead for OCS Biology. Sara served as a Biology teacher and Department Chair for the Science Department at Middle Creek High School. Sara completed her principal residency at Apex Friendship Middle School. Sara then served as Assistant Principal at Leesville Road High School before currently serving as Assistant Principal at Willow Spring High School.
Sarita Shaw
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Sarita earned her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She has taught Kindergarten, First, and Fourth Grade. She was recognized as Teacher of the Year for the 2013-2014 school year. She has served as a member of the Discovery Education Teacher Leader Corps, where she provided digital literacy and technology training to teacher and was a K-2 Literacy Coach, an Instructional Resource Teacher, the School Improvement Team Chair, a Teacher Mentor, a member of the Instructional Leadership Team, and a Professional Development Facilitator for Project READY-Re-imagining Equity and Access for Diverse Youth. During the 2018-2019 school year, Sarita served as a K-5 Instructional Resource Teacher and a K-2 Literacy Coach. Sarita completed her principal residency at Enloe High School during the 2019-2020 school year remained at Enloe serving as Assistant Principal until being named Assistant Principal at Buckhorn Elementary School in Wake County in August 2022.
Rozanne Todd
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Rozanne earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Bowling Green State University and earned additional certifications for Special Education, Middle School Language Arts, Middle School Math, and Middle School Social Studies. These enabled her to teach in the Elementary, Middle, and High School levels in both Regular and Special Education positions as well as with the ELL Intersession program. She was a member of the MTSS/Instructional Leadership Team, SIT team, SIT Special Topics Committee, School Safety Team, Progress Monitoring Implementation Committee, and is a BT Mentor. Rozanne also provided in-house and community professional development on serving students with disabilities in the general education setting. Rozanne taught in the Apex High Special Education Department as an Occupational Course of Study instructor and was elected by her peers as the 2018-19 Teacher of the Year. Rozanne completed her principal residency at A.B. Combs Elementary School during the 2019-2020 school year. She then served as Senior Administrator for High School Education Services until January 2022. Rozanne was the Assistant Principal at Davis Drive Elementary School. She is currently the Principal at White Oak ES in Wake County.
Gladys Washington
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Gladys earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from North Carolina Central University. She was recognized as Teacher of the Year for the 2005-2006, 2010-2011 and 2015-16 school years at Brooks Museums Magnet Elementary School in Raleigh. She was a mentor for new teachers, grade level chairperson, a member of the School Improvement and Leadership Team and an active member of the Safe and Healthy Schools Committee. Gladys taught fourth grade students at Brooks. Gladys completed her principal residency at West Millbrook Middle School. Gladys currently serves as an Assistant Principal at Sanford Creek Elementary School.
Cally Weller
Sponsoring District: Wake
Current District: Wake
Cally graduated from Wake Forest University as a double major in Psychology and Health and Exercise Science. She is a certified Science, Math and Special Education Teacher. She was a 2013 Metro-Atlanta Teach for America Corps member teaching at Maynard Jackson High School in Atlanta. She has taught 9th grade biology at Knightdale High School of Collaborative Design for the past three school years. Cally served as a leader of the Capturing Kids Hearts Process Champion team at her school, leading professional developments during the summer for staff members. Cally completed her principal residency at Douglas Elementary School during the 2019-2020 school year. She is currently serving as Assistant Principal at Lead Mine Road Elementary.