NELA Cohort I
Cohort I Fellows

Mark Barfield
Sponsoring District: Northampton
Current District: Out of State
Mark earned a Bachelor of Arts in English at Elizabeth City State University in Elizabeth City, NC. He received honors for outstanding class of the month of the district and building level teacher of the year. His internship placement was at Northampton High School. He was Assistant Principal at Northampton High School in the 2012-2013 school year and Principal at Everetts Elementary School from 2013-2014. Mark was the Principal at Northwest Halifax High School, now called Northwest Collegiate and Technical Academy, from 2014 to 2018. Mark served as the Curriculum Instructional Support in Human Resources for Halifax County Schools. He was the principal at William R. Davie STEM Middle School in the 2018-2019 school year, then served as the Director of Student Support Services for Northampton County until summer 2022. Mark is now 8th grade Principal at Southampton Middle School in Courtland, VA.

Annabel Bello
Sponsoring District: Halifax
Current District: Northampton
Annabel earned an undergraduate degree in Secondary Education from Quezon Memorial College and a M.Ed. in Special Education from the University of the Philippines – Diliman. She worked with students with special needs prior to joining NELA Cohort I in schools in the Philippines and in North Carolina. Annabel completed an administrative internship at Belmont Elementary School. After graduating from the NELA program, she taught students with autism at Aurelian Springs Elementary School during the 2012-2013 school year. She was the student support services coordinator at Haliwa Saponi Tribal School during the 2013-2014 school year. Annabel returned to teaching in the exceptional children’s program at Chaloner Middle School from 2014-2018, then at Roanoke Rapids High School for the 2018/2019 school year. She is currently serving as CTE Curriculum and Instruction Management Coordinator in Halifax County.

Ryan Hurley
Sponsoring District: Warren
Ryan earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Bible Theology from Malone University. Prior to joining NELA, he taught English at Warren Early College High School. He was named on the National School Board Association’s “20 to Watch” list in 2010. Ryan completed an administrative internship at Northside Elementary School. After graduating from NELA, he was the Transformation Coordinator at Northside Elementary. He served as Principal of Warren Early College High School from 2013-2015.

Ebony Spivey Jason
Sponsoring District: Bertie
Ebony earned a dual degree in Mathematics and 9-12 Math Education from Shaw University in Raleigh, NC in 2008. She taught math in Bertie County Schools and completed her NELA internship at Mariam Boyd Elementary School in Warrenton, NC. She served as the Testing and Accountability Director for Warren County Schools during the 2014 to 2015 school year. Ebony taught math at Carver High School during the 2015 to 2016 school year. Currently, she serves as a School Improvement Math Specialist at WestEd.

Demetra Lassiter
Sponsoring District: Northampton
Demetra earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Social Sciences. She taught at Jackson Eastside Elementary and was selected as the 2005-2006 Teacher of the Year. She was a board member and program coordinator at the Sinai Center for Advancement. Demetra completed an administrative internship at Ahoskie Elementary School. She taught fourth grade at Central Elementary School after completing her internship from 2012 to 2017. Demetra served as Assistant Principal at Gaston Elementary School from 2017 to 2019, then as Assistant Principal at Central Elementary School. She then served as Principal at Willis Hare Elementary School until Summer 2022. She is now retired.

Mark Long
Sponsoring District: Northampton
Current District: Northampton
Mark earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Chowan University. Mark worked as an at-risk teacher under the grant program “Ameri-I-Can” at Conway Middle School and in Jones, Greene, Hertford and Bertie counties. He taught social studies and life skills to at-risk students at Northampton County Alternative School. He has also taught social studies and freshman success at Northampton East High School. His NELA administrative internship was at Hertford County High School in Ahoskie, NC. He was Assistant Principal of Northampton County High School from 2012 to 2014 and the Director of Alternative Programs at the Northampton Alternative Learning Program from 2014 to 2015. In the 2015-2016 school year he served as Assistant Principal at Conway Middle School where he went on to serve as Principal from 2016 to 2019. Mark currently serves as the Director of Special Programs and School Safety for Northampton County.

Douglas Miller
Sponsoring District: Roanoke Rapids
Doug has nearly 20 years of experience in public schools and has served as president of the North Carolina Public School Maintenance Association. He was named employee of the year in 1993 for Northampton County. Douglas completed an administrative internship at Hollister Elementary School. He was the Director of Transportation for the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District from 2012-2014. In 2014, he became the Executive Director for Auxiliary Services in the Northampton County Central Office, where he served until 2017. Doug served as the Assistant Superintendent for Northampton County Schools from 2017 – 2019. Doug is currently serving as Supervisor of Planning in Transportation Department for Prince William County (VA) Schools.

Carol Mizelle
Sponsoring District: Bertie
Carol earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from East Carolina University in 1992 and Middle Grades Certification in 2006. She also holds an Academically Intellectually Gifted certificate for grades K-12. She has been honored as Teacher of the Year at Askewville Elementary School in 1996 and 2002 and at Bertie Middle School in 2010. She was again awarded Teacher of the Year for the whole district of Bertie County Schools in 2010. She was also recognized as the Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year for the northeast region. Carol completed an administrative internship at Bertie Middle School. She earned a Masters in School Administration through NELA at NC State in 2012. After graduation, she was an instructional facilitator at Bertie County Middle School and the Bertie County Central office from 2012-2013. She was an Assistant Principal at West Bertie Elementary School during the 2013-2014 school year. Carol served as Principal of Colerain Elementary School from 2014-2019. Carol then served as Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Bertie County Schools until her retirement in summer 2023.

Tracey Neal
Sponsoring District: Warren
Tracey earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from North Carolina Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount, NC. She taught Business Computer Technology and Keyboarding at Warren County Middle School and Digital Media at Warren New Tech High School. She completed an administrative internship at South Warren Elementary School and was an Assistant Principal at Warren County High School from 2012-2015. She served as Principal at Warren Early College High School from 2015 to 2018. Tracey was named Warren County Principal of the Year for the both 2017-2018 and 2019-2020 school year. Tracey served as the Principal at Warren County Middle School from 2018 until 2020.

Gonzalo Pitpit
Sponsoring District: Northampton
Gonzalo graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Cagayan Valley, Philippines in 1990. He earned a master’s degree in Language Education from the University of the Philippines in 2004. He has taught over 20 years in a variety of subjects including Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies. His classes were awarded the Superintendent’s Star Class of the Month in September 2009 and April 2010. He was named teacher of the year at Willis Hare Elementary School in 2010-2011 and first runner up at the district level that same school year. He completed an administrative internship at Bertie Middle School and taught fifth grade at Ahoskie Elementary School during the 2012-2013 school year. He was an Assistant Principal at Ahoskie Elementary during 2013-2014 and was a teacher during the 2014-2015 school year at Bearfield Primary School.

Melissa Harris Richardson
Sponsoring District: Halifax
Current District: Halifax
Melissa earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies from Shaw University and teaching certification from East Carolina University. She received the distinct honor of being elected Teacher of the Year for Enfield Middle School in 2011. She represented Halifax County Schools in the North Carolina Regional Teacher of the Year competition in 2011 as well. She has been a general education teacher, a middle school teacher, and an AVID Elective teacher/coordinator. Melissa completed an administrative internship at Roanoke Rapids High School and was an Assistant Principal at Aurelian Springs Elementary School during the 2012-2013 school year. She was the Principal at Hollister Elementary School from 2013 to 2017. Melissa served as Principal at Franklinton Elementary School then as Principal of Lowe’s Grove Middle School. Currently, Melissa is Head Administrator / Superintendent for Haliwa Saponi Tribal School in Halifax County.

Mae Woodard Rose
Sponsoring District: Hertford
Mae had over sixteen years of teaching experience before joining NELA. She has been nominated as a candidate for the American Disney Distinguished Teachers Award, Who’s Who in American Education, and Teacher of the Year for the three schools where she has worked. She was also named Northampton County Teacher of the Year. Mae completed an administrative internship at Ahoskie Elementary School and was an Assistant Principal at Hertford County High School from 2012-2015. She taught first grade at Willis Hare Elementary during the 2015-2016 school year.

Kimberly Scott, Ed.S.
Sponsoring District: Hertford
Kimberly earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Social Science from Elizabeth City State University. She has taught first grade through fourth grades. She was awarded Teacher of the Year and Master Teacher of the Year at Rick Square-Creecy Elementary School. She completed an administrative internship at Bearfield Primary School. She earned a Master of School Administration in 2012 through the NELA program and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership at NC State. Kimberly was Assistant principal at Ahoskie Elementary School from 2012 to 2016 in Hertford County. She served as Principal at Willis Hare Elementary School in Northampton County from 2016-2020. During that time, Kimberly was awarded the Northampton County Principal of the Year for the 2018/2019 school year. She then served as the Director of Title I Curriculum & Instruction for Warren County Schools until February 2022. Kimberly then served as Chief Academic Officer/Federal Programs for Warren Co. Schools until her retirement in summer 2023. She can be reached at

Erica Shoulders-Royster, Ed.D
Sponsoring District: Warren
Current District: DPI
Dr. Shoulders-Royster graduated from Stillman College where she majored in English Communications. She was a Teach for America Eastern North Carolina corps member and later served on staff. She earned a Master of School Administration degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and NELA at North Carolina State University. She recently served as a board member for The Boys and Girls Club and Henderson Collegiate. Dr. Shoulers-Royster was an Assistant Principal at Franklinton High School from 2012-2016 and then served as Principal at Franklin Early College High School. She was awarded Franklin County Principal of the Year for the 2019/2020 school year. Currently, Dr. Shoulders-Royster is the CCRG Program Administrator within the Office of Innovation at NC Department of Public Instruction. When not working, she is busy raising her five children with her beloved husband Mark.

Erin Swanson
Sponsoring District: Warren
Current District: n/a
Erin graduated magna cum laude from Wake Forest University. Erin was an English I teacher through Teach for America and was a member of the Teacher for America Eastern North Carolina staff for six years as Executive Director, Senior Program Director, and Program Director. Erin completed an administrative internship at AB Combs Elementary School. After graduating from the NELA program, Erin was an Assistant Principal at Northwest Halifax High School during the 2012-2013 school year. She was Principal at Stocks Elementary School from 2013-2014. She opened Martin Millennium Academy in 2014 and was Principal until 2016 then served as Director of Innovation for Edgecombe County Public Schools. Erin then served as Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Strategic Planning at Edgecombe County Public Schools. Currently, she works as an independent contractor.

Yolanda Wiggins
Sponsoring District: Halifax
Current District: Nash
Yolanda earned an undergraduate degree in English/Writing from East Carolina University. She was a news reporter for five years before gaining teaching licensure through the state’s lateral entry program at N.C. Wesleyan College of Rocky Mount. She is a National Board Certified Teacher and has been named Teacher of the Year twice. Yolanda completed an administrative internship at Hollister Elementary School and was an assistant principal at MB Hubbard Elementary School during the 2012-2013 school year. She served as Principal at Winstead Avenue Elementary School from 2013-2021. Yolanda is currently serving as the Director of Professional Learning and Special Programs for Nash Public Schools.

Cecilya Williams
Sponsoring District: Northampton
Current District: Other
Cecilya earned a bachelor’s degree from North Carolina Central University in Criminal Justice and worked with troubled youth in the mental health care field. She completed a master’s degree program at East Carolina University, which focused on education from kindergarten through sixth grade. She has 9 years of experience working in the North Carolina Public School System. Cecilya completed an administrative internship at Gaston Elementary School. She was a teacher at Central Elementary School from 2012-2016 and is now teaching second grade at KIPP Gaston College Preparatory Charter School.

Christina Williams-Debrew
Sponsoring District: Halifax
Christina earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice form Elizabeth City State University. She worked with Upward Bound at Saint Paul College in Lawrenceville, VA as a tutor counselor. She taught at Bakers Elementary School in Halifax County for seven years and was recognized as Teacher of the Year there twice. She also taught as an AVID Elective Teacher and site coordinator for the middle schools in Halifax County before joining NELA’s Cohort I. Christina completed an administrative internship at Central Elementary School and was an Assistant Principal at Inborden Elementary School during the 2012 to 2013 school year. She became Principal at Scotland Neck Primary School in 2013. The school merged with Dawson Elementary in 2015 and became Dawson @ Scotland Neck Elementary School. Christina served at the merged school until 2018.

Shelley Williams
Sponsoring District: Roanoke Rapids
Current District: Roanoke Rapids
Shelley earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education and a Master of Arts degree in Communication Disorders from Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina. She worked as a speech pathologist in homes, hospitals, daycares, and public schools. She has also worked as Director of Exceptional Children and Director of the Preschool in the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District. Shelley completed an administrative internship at Hollister Elementary School. She was an Assistant Principal of Chaloner Middle School from 2012-2019 then a Speech Language Pathologist at Chaloner Middle School. Currently, Shelley is Director of Preschool Services and Preschool EC Coordinator in the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District.