Johnston Application Process
JPLA Application Process
The Johnston Principal Leadership Academy is now accepting applications! All application materials are due by January 15, 2018.
Applicant finalists are required to participated in Candidate Assessment Day on January 20, 2018.
You may access the full application packet by clicking the button below. The application packet includes the application checklist, application procedures, background information document, selection process, program components, fellows’ support, and financial aid information.JPLA Application PacketJPLA Commitment Agreement
To complete your application, you will need:
- Completed Online NCSU Graduate School Application.
- Completed JPLA Background Form.
- Completed JPLA Information Survey.
- Transcripts from each college attended.
- Three letters of reference. One letter must be from your current supervisor. The online graduate application system will send an email to your references asking them to electronically submit their reference.
- Your professional resume, including detailed information about teaching assignments, current work assignment, and current supervisor name and contact information.
- A statement of purpose or biographical statement. You are asked to: “Describe your career goals and research interests, as well as your publications, work experience, and academic honors and organizations. You may also include an optional statement of the key learning objectives you hope to achieve in your studies, your achievements, talents, background, experiences, an traits that will contribute to the enrichment or diversity of the University or community, beyond your academic credentials.”
- A writing sample for the MSA program. You are asked to provide: Philosophical Statement or Educational Platform: In an essay, describe your educational philosophy, please include your view of view of the purpose of schooling; the key ingredients of an adequate education for all students; and how educational leaders should be viewed by students, teachers, and parents.
- OPTIONAL: Apply for a scholarship.
- OPTIONAL: Submit Miller’s Analogy Test (MAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores taken within the past five years.
Please review the information below about the application steps and selection process. The Johnston Principal Leadership Academy requires a multi-step application process. Please follow the application checklist to make sure that you complete all of the application steps. The Johnston Principal Leadership Academy and Wallace Project Team are looking forward to reviewing your application!
JPLA Application Checklist
- Access PDF Version of this Checklist.Complete NCSU’s Graduate School Online Application.
- Pay the $75 application fee.
- Select: School Administration – Distance Track – MR – Summer 2018.
- Confirm on application that you have NC Residency and complete the required form in the application system.
- Upload unofficial transcripts from each college attended (except NC State). If you are recommended for admission, the Graduate School will request an official copy of your transcript(s) be sent directly to the Graduate School (Click this link for the Graduate School mailing address. Please do not send the transcripts to the department.)
- Confirm the submission of three (3) letters of reference via the online application system.
- OPTIONAL: Submit official score report from either the Miller’s Analogy Test (MAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) taken within the past 5 years. Send your unofficial scores ASAP and then have your official scores sent to NCSU Graduate School. Please request a printout of you unofficial score from the test administrator the day you take the test. Then email a copy of your score report to
- Upload your Professional Resume. Please be detailed and include information on your teaching assignments (grade and subject), current work assignment (location) and include your current supervisor’s name and contact information (address, phone, email).
- Upload your statement of purpose or biographical statement.
- Upload your writing sample for the MSA Program: “Philosophical Statement or Educational Platform.” You may have to combine two of the documents for #8, #9, and 10 into one computer file in order to upload to the online application site.
- Mail, fax, or email your NC State Johnston Principal Leadership Academy Background Information Form to:
Dianne Griffiths, The NC State Johnston Principal Leadership Academy
NC State University, College of Education
Campus Box 7801, 608P Poe Hall
Raleigh, NC 27695-7801, Fax: 919-515-8950 - Complete the REQUIRED Johnston Principal Leadership Academy MSA Information Survey.
- Save the date for Candidate Assessment Day on Saturday, January 20th, 2018 at the Friday Institute on NC State University’s Centennial campus.
- OPTIONAL: Apply for a scholarship. If you are interested in being considered for a scholarship, please complete the scholarship application form.
JPLA Selection Process
Complete the NC State University graduate school application, background screening, and reference check. Click here for the Graduate school Online Application. Applicants will also need to complete the JPLA Information Survey and submit the JPLA Background Information form to Dianne Griffiths ( All application materials are due by January 15, 2018.
- After the team reviews application materials, finalists will be selected.
- Finalists participate in Candidate Assessment Day on January 20, 2018, which will include in-depth experiential exercises.
- After prospective candidates interview, the JPLA Project Team will review all materials.
- JPLA Project Team will consult with district leadership/superintendent and offer admission to top candidates.