Assessment of Fellows

Rigorous Program Selection: Candidate Assessment Day
Candidates for NC State’s Educational Leadership Academy must apply to the NC State Graduate School. They also must complete additional application materials specific to the NELA program. After reviewing application materials, candidates are invited to attend Candidate Assessment Day, which includes a multifaceted evaluation process. Please view the video below to learn about our Candidate Assessment Day.
Evaluation of NELA Fellows
The evaluation of the NELA Fellow is multifaceted including:
1. Course-by-course evaluations
2. Fellow self assessment of state standards and competencies (end of each semester)
3. Executive Coaches assessment of Fellows on state standards and competencies (three times during principal residency)
4. Principal Mentor assessment of Fellows on state standards and competencies (twice during principal residency)
5. Project Director’s assessment of Fellows on state standards and competencies (end of each semester)
Each Fellow has an electronic portfolio that provides documentation of each of these facets. Additionally, the portfolio contains evidences or artifacts for each standard.
Formative Assessment Day
NELA conducts Formative Assessment Days in which fellows participate in scenarios they may face as a school administrator. They are evaluated by NCSU faculty and the NELA project team and are given feedback. Fellows submit reflection videos on their Formative Assessment Day experience. View the sample Formative Assessment Day agenda and reflection video below.
Formative Assessment Day Agenda 2019
Formative Assessment Day Agenda 2020- Virtual
Mock Interview
Later in the program, fellows participate in a Formative Assessment Day that includes a mock interview. This mock interview is set up to be what Fellows may encounter when they apply and interview for leadership positions after graduating from the program. After the mock interview, they get specific feedback from interviewees on their interview skills and any materials they brought to the mock interview, including their resumes.
Fellows’ Digital Portfolios
Each fellow creates a digital portfolio with information about assessments and self-assessments.
View Samples of Past Fellows’ Digital Portfolios