2021 Cohort
Red Cohort
Donisha Barnes
Donisha Barnes earned a degree in Elementary Education from Johnson C. Smith University in 2011. She also earned a Master of School Administration from NC State University in 2021. She was recognized as Teacher of the Year in 2017 and First Year Teacher of the Year in 2011. She served on the Behavior Management Team for three years in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. In the Nash County Public School District, she has served as Leadership Chair, Grade Level Chair, and a member of the School Improvement Team. She served as a 5th grade teacher at Benvenue Elementary School, where she served as the Indistar Process Manager from 2015-2020. Donisha currently serves as an Assistant Principal at Hubbard Elementary School in Nash County. Donisha can be reached at djbarnes@ncsu.edu.

Amanda Boshoff
Amanda Boshoff earned a degree in Secondary Social Studies Education as a North Carolina Teaching Fellow at NC State University in 2005. She then taught Social Studies for seven years at Garner Magnet High School in Wake County, attaining National Board Certification and serving in a variety of teacher leadership roles. Amanda returned to NC State in 2012 as a North Carolina Principal Fellow, earning a Master of School Administration degree. She served as the Assistant Principal of Instruction at Cary High School for five years until being appointed the Principal of Salem Middle School in 2019. Amanda is proud to continue her journey in Educational Leadership at NC State University and to continue to serve the students and stakeholders of the Wake County Public School System as a school leader. Amanda can be reached at alhobbs@ncsu.edu.

Tiffany Boss
Tiffany Boss earned her undergraduate degree in Family and Consumer Sciences with a concentration in Child Development and Family Relations from North Carolina Central University. She began her teaching career as a lateral entry teacher and later completed her K-6 Elementary Education licensure at North Carolina Central University. She earned a Master of Education degree in K-12 Literacy from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As a member of the Durham Principal Leadership Academy, she earned a Master of School Administration at NC State University. Tiffany has taught 2nd, 4th and 5th grades. She has also served as a Title I teacher, School Improvement Grant Facilitator, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Facilitator, State and Local testing Coordinator, Read to Achieve Facilitator, Capturing Kids Heart mentor, and Academic Coach. She is currently an Assistant Principal at Burton Magnet Elementary School in Durham, NC. Burton Magnet Elementary School has earned the honor of being named Capturing Kids Heart National Showcase School, Top 20 Magnet School for 2020, and 2020 ESEA Distinguished Title I Schools for Special Populations. Tiffany can be reached at tiffany_boss@dpsnc.net.

Jennifer Crisco
Jennifer Crisco earned an undergraduate degree in Secondary Science Education from NC State University. She began her teaching career in Wake County and has served the last six years in Johnston County. Jennifer was nominated for Teacher of the Year in 2017. Jennifer helped write the proficiency scales for biology for Johnston County in 2018. She was recognized by the Clayton Chamber of Commerce for her performance and dedication in the classroom in 2019. She has led professional development sessions at her school focusing on student engagement and instructional tools. She presented at NCTIES in 2019 and served as co-chair for the SIT team at Clayton High School, where she most recently served as a science teacher. Jennifer became a Principal Fellow at NC State University where she earned a Master of School Administration degree in May 2021. During the spring of 2020, Jennifer was the coordinator for the Comets Plus program at Clayton High School and was featured in an article for EdNC.org. She completed her principal residency at Clayton High School during the 2020-2021 school year. While serving as the Principal Resident, Jennifer worked heavily with intervention programs and collaborated with the administration team to implement academic support programs to best serve students. Jennifer can be reached at jlrobill@ncsu.edu.

Lisa Arment Cummings
Lisa Arment Cummings earned a Bachelor of Science in English from Radford University and a Master of School Administration degree from NC State University as a Principal Fellow in 2001. Lisa currently serves as the principal at Wake Early College of Health and Science (WECHS) in Raleigh, NC. While at WECHS, Lisa led the school to many recognitions, with Magnet Schools of America’s Top 10 Magnet Schools in the Nation being the most recently awarded. During her career in education, Lisa has served as an administrator, teacher, and coach in Wake and Carteret counties in North Carolina since 1993. Lisa and her family enjoy gardening, cooking, playing sports, and travel. Lisa can be reached at lacummi2@ncsu.edu.

Ryan Daniels
Ryan Daniels earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Elizabeth City State University, a Master of Education from the University of Phoenix, and an Educational Specialist degree in Educational Supervision and Administration from George Washington University. She spent the entirety of her teaching career working in schools in eastern NC as a high school science teacher and later as an academic and behavioral interventionist in addition to teaching. Currently, Ryan is the Extended Learning Program Specialist for Petersburg City Public Schools (Petersburg, VA). Ryan can be reached at rddanie2@ncsu.edu.

Waun Fulton
Waun Fulton is a native of Winston-Salem, NC. Throughout his upbringing, Waun learned the value that learning has in our mindsets and choices we make. Waun enjoys the opportunities education provides for our students. Waun attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in English (2010) and obtaining a Master of Education degree in School Counseling (2014). Waun entered the Wake County Public School System shortly afterwards where he worked at Vernon Malone College and Career Academy as a Student Assistance Program (SAP) Coordinator for four years and then worked as an Academic Counselor at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School. Waun is thankful for these educational experiences as they opened his eyes to the significance that empowering educators and students has for our learning community. In April 2018, Waun entered the Wake Principal Leadership Program at NC State University. Waun is driven about the topics of equity, access to resources and quality instruction for our students and began Principal Residency at Moore Square Magnet Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year. Throughout the Principal Residency, Waun received experiences in strategic, instructional, cultural and human resource leadership, from observing instructors in class to supporting teachers in their work with students to establishing and maintaining amenable ties with parents. Waun appreciated the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with staff members and collaborating to ensure a positive, caring community is fostered for students to learn. Waun earned a Master of School Administration degree from NC State University in May 2020. He now serves as Assistant Principal at West Cary Middle School. Waun can be reached at lfulton@wcpss.net.

Will Lamb
Will Lamb currently serves as the Assistant Principal at E.K. Powe Elementary School in Durham Public Schools. He earned a Master of School Administration degree from NC State University’s Educational Leadership Academy and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Romance Languages, specifically in Spanish, from UNC – Chapel Hill. Prior to Will’s current role, he completed his principal residency in Durham Public Schools and taught Spanish and 3rd grade. As a teacher, Will was grade level chair and chair of the School Improvement Leadership Team. He founded and coordinated a Friday Clubs program for Club Blvd. Elementary and served as a mentor teacher for the Duke University Program in Education. Will can be reached at kwlamb@ncsu.edu.

Charelle Lovett
Charelle Lovett earned an undergraduate degree in middle grades education concentrating in math and social studies and a Master of Arts degree in instructional technology education from East Carolina University. Charelle taught sixth-grade math and seventh-grade math and social studies before stepping out of the classroom to serve her school community as an instructional facilitator. While in that role, she collaborated on several instructional support teams, co-chaired the school’s Equity Leadership Team, and began a student book group as a safe space for students to find their voice and value. At the district level, Charelle assisted with planning, implementing, and leading sessions at the district’s annual Young Women’s Summit for middle and high students. Charelle’s experience in the school setting serving in multiple roles opened her eyes to the disparities and inequities existing in various forms. Charelle’s questioning of school practices led her to focus on her own learning to begin to understand why these practices occurred and sought ways to disrupt current practices for positive change. Charelle was selected to participate in both North Carolina’s Principal Fellows Program and earned a Master of School Administration degree from NC State University in May 2021. For the past two years, Charelle discovered, reflected, and practiced aspects of school leadership and participated in a full-time internship at a magnet elementary school in downtown Raleigh. Charelle is excited to continue her educational leadership learning in the EdD program. Charelle can be reached at cplovet2@ncsu.edu.

Erica Prentice
Erica Prentice earned a Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education (K-6) with a concentration in Environmental Science from the University of Wyoming and a Master of School Administration as a NC Principal Fellow from NC State University. Erica has served as a third grade teacher and STEM Coordinator/Coach for Wake County Public Schools. She proudly served as the first STEAM Curriculum Coordinator for Envision Science Academy and transitioned into a formal administrative role there in 2017. Erica proudly serves as the Dean of the Lower School (K-4) at Envision Science Academy in Wake Forest, NC. Erica can be reached at elprenti@ncsu.edu.

Cheryl Reeves
Cheryl Reeves earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from East Carolina University and a Master of Education degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. As a NC Principal Fellow, she earned a Master of School Administration degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Cheryl completed her NCPFP internship at Allen Middle School in Guilford County. In her 13 years in education, Cheryl has served as a teacher assistant, bus driver, classroom teacher, instructional coach, and now as a school administrator. Cheryl is currently serving as an Assistant Principal at Davie County High School. Cheryl can be reached at creeves314@gmail.com.

Ayanna Richard
Ayanna Quiane Richard currently serves as the Exceptional Children’s Director for Cumberland County Schools in Fayetteville, NC. She has served in this role for the past year. As a special educator of almost 20 years, her educational philosophy has always been “all students have a capacity to learn, we simply have to find what capacity to teach them!” This type of approach to teaching and learning has created an insatiable love of acquiring knowledge, which has led to seeking an advanced degree. Ayanna has taught at every grade level, been a building level administrator, and supported schools in various district level positions in NC and VA. Some of her most noted accomplishments include being selected to serve as district liaison for Special Education with the VA Department of Education Task Force for Behavior Intervention and serving as a support for the post secondary transition program “I’m Determined.” Ayanna is an amazing resource for exceptional children in education and exercises her talents to support teachers, students and administrators. She has a personal approach and an abundance of drive to inspire educators to unprecedented levels of success. Ayanna is driven by her passion for helping people and also her daughter Annaya. In her leisure time, she enjoys travel, reading, cooking and spending quality time with family. Ayanna can be reached at aqjones78@yahoo.com.

Syreeta Smith
Syreeta Smith serves as the Senior Director of Elementary School Programs in Wake County Public Schools where she serves over 100 elementary schools. Previously, Syreeta was Director of Year Round Support and Early Elementary Education at the Wake County Public School System from 2015 through 2020. Opening the school in 2007, she has served as both assistant principal and principal of North Forest Pines Year Round Elementary in Wake County Public Schools, from 2007 to 2015. Additionally she served as assistant principal at Wilburn Year Round Elementary in Wake County from 2005 to 2007. Previous to her move to Wake County, Syreeta taught third grade at North Drive Elementary School in Goldsboro, NC, her hometown. Syreeta pursued a teaching degree as an NC Teaching Fellow and earned a Bachelor degree in elementary education from North Carolina Central University. She also earned a Master of School Administration degree from NC State University as a NC Principal Fellow. Syreeta was named Assistant Principal of the Year for the Wake County Public School System 2011-2012. Syreeta is a current member of the Curriculum Matters Professional Learning Network. You can follow Syreeta on Twitter @Ms_Smith1120. Syreeta can be reached at syreeta_smith@msn.com.

Michele Tempke
Michele Tempke earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Slippery Rock University. She taught one year of special education in a Cross Categorical classroom before becoming a director for an agency serving people with developmental disabilities. After having her first child, Michele continued her career as an educator, teaching kindergarten and second grade at Highcroft Drive Elementary. She earned the Cary Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Teacher award in 2012. She is a National Board Certified teacher. Michele attended East Carolina University from 2015-2017 obtaining a Master of School Administration degree while interning and teaching third grade at Davis Drive Elementary School. She has served as an Assistant Principal at Partnership Magnet Elementary School since 2017. Michele can be reached at mrtempke@ncsu.edu.

Emem Thompson
Emem Thompson earned an undergraduate degree from The University of North Carolina Greensboro with a major in Elementary Education and double minored in Communication Studies and Family and Human Development Studies. She obtained a Master in Elementary Education in 2011 from Campbell University and graduated magna cum laude. Emem started her teaching career in 2009 with Harnett County Schools as a kindergarten teacher. She also taught Pre-K for 3 years in the private schools. She returned to the public school setting in Durham. Emem served as a kindergarten teacher at WG Pearson Elementary School from 2014 to 2020. She was recently recognized for exceeding growth in 2017-2018 in reading. She received the model classroom award and served as co-grade level chair 2016-2019. She completed her principal residency Oakview Elementary School in Wake County during the 2020-2021 school year. During her residency she was committed to building positive relationships with staff and students and worked to redefine PLTs schoolwide. Emem earned a Master of School Administration degree as a NC Principal Fellow at NC State University. She currently serves as an Intervention Coach at Briarcliff Elementary School in Wake County. Emem can be reached at ethomps5@ncsu.edu.

Keisha White
Keisha White graduated from NC State University where she received a Master of School Administration degree through the NC Leadership Academy, a highly selective graduate program designed to develop school leaders for districts in rural northeastern NC. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from East Carolina University. As a former third grade teacher, Keisha was recognized as Northeast Elementary’s 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year and WITN Channel 7’s “Teacher of the Week”. Keisha has served as Grade Level Chair, Beginning Teacher Mentor, Read to Achieve Representative, and guest panel speaker for the NC New Teacher Support. During her time at Kinston High School, Keisha served as Principal Resident from 2017-2018 and Digital Learning Specialist from 2018-2019. She was the Superintendent of Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy in Elizabethtown, NC. Keisha can be reached at kswhite2@ncsu.edu.
Tuffy Cohort

Michelle Bell
Michelle Bell earned an undergraduate degree in Middle School Math and a Master of School Administration from NC State University. She taught in Wake County at Carnage Magnet Middle School for 13 years before becoming an Assistant Principal at the school for three years. In 2013, she became the principal at Parkwood Elementary in Durham, NC where she served for five years. Under her leadership, Parkwood exceeded growth four of the five years she was principal. During her time at Parkwood, she restructured the MTSS process to include all stakeholders, increased parent engagement, and created a mentoring program. In addition, Michelle served on the Superintendent’s Principal Advisory Committee and was a finalist for Principal of the Year. She returned to Wake County Public Schools in 2018 and is currently the principal at Forest Pines Drive Elementary. She currently serves on the Summer Extended Learning steering committee and the Istation Implementation Team. Michelle can be reached at mktaylor@ncsu.edu.

Michael Casey
Michael Casey currently serves as an Assistant Principal at J.H. Rose High School in Greenville, NC (Pitt County Schools). He served as the Assistant Principal of G.R. Whitfield School (K-8) from 2018-2020 where he was named Pitt County Assistant Principal of the Year for the 2019-2020 school year. He earned a Master of School Administration degree through NC State University’s nationally recognized Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA). Through NELA, Michael received advanced training in transformational leadership practices. He completed his Principal Residency at West Edgecombe Middle School (Edgecombe County Schools). Michael holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from SUNY Fredonia and a Master of Music Education degree from Kent State University. In addition to his K-12 administrative experience, Michael spent seven years as a music teacher in NY and NC encompassing grades K-12. He was the Lead Band Director for Edgecombe County Schools and a band director and general music teacher at Martin Millennium Academy. He is committed to ensuring each student has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential and dreams. Michael can be reached at macasey3@ncsu.edu.
Shawnda Cherry
Shawnda Cherry is a native of Creswell, NC. She is a graduate of East Carolina University for both a Bachelor of Science degree in Middle Grades Education (concentrations in Math & Science) and a Master of School Administration & Instructional Specialist. She has been an educator in the public schools of NC for 25 years with a wide range of experience including middle school and alternative school teacher, elementary and high school assistant principal, elementary and alternative school principal, and Student Services & Alternative Programs Director. She currently works as the Executive Director of Human Resources. She is married with three children (one adult and two in college). In her free time, she loves to bake sweet treats and spend time with her family. Shawnda can be reached at sc955082@gmail.com.

Jennifer Hauser
Jennifer Hauser has been the principal of Easley Year-Round Elementary in Durham Public Schools (DPS) since January 2015. She previously served as Assistant Principal at Pearsontown Year-Round Elementary. Prior to joining DPS in the fall of 2013, Jennifer was a classroom teacher, instructional facilitator, and literacy coach with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Early Childhood from the University of Michigan and a Master of Education in K-12 Literacy and her Administrative Licensure from UNC-Chapel Hill. Areas of educational interest include early literacy skills, racial equity, and instructional leadership. As a Michigan native and U of M graduate, she is an avid Michigan fan as noted upon entering her office! Her interests outside of work include traveling, reading, spending time on the beach, and hiking with her husband and dog. Jennifer can be reached at jmhause2@ncsu.edu.

Demetrius Jenkins
Demetrius D. Jenkins earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with a second major in Management and Society from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He began his career in education in Hertford County Public Schools, where he served as a teacher certified in Middle Grades Social Studies and Mathematics. As a teacher, he served on and chaired various committees with a focus of improving instruction and transforming experiences for students. He is a proud member of Profound Gentlemen, Inc., a nationwide organization that builds a community of male educators of color who provide an additional impact on boys of color. In 2018, Demetrius earned his Master of School Administration from North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University. He has served students and school communities at all levels of PK-12 education. Demetrius was a Cohort I member of East Carolina University’s Project i4 and a Cohort 8 participant in Teach for America’s Rural School Leadership Academy. His interests are centered on building school communities that are conducive to the equitable experiences for students of color. Demetrius can be reached at ddjenki3@ncsu.edu.

Amy Jones
Amy Jones has served as an educator for over 20 years in Wilson County Public Schools, Pitt Community College, and Lenoir County Public Schools. She received a Bachelor degree in Music Education and a Master degree in Counselor Education from East Carolina University. In addition, Amy earned her school administrative add-on certification from East Carolina University. Amy has served as a band/music teacher, school counselor, assistant principal, and principal. She is currently enjoying her role as Director of High School and Career and Technical Education with Lenoir County Public Schools. Amy is a member of Delta Kappa Gamma and the Association for Career & Technical Education where she serves as the president of the NC Southeast Region. She is a proud NC Teaching Fellows graduate, an Alumna of both the Distinguished Leadership in Practice Program and the BB&T/Truist Leadership Institute – Mastering Leadership Dynamics for Educational Leaders. Her greatest passion is helping others achieve their goals and reach their fullest potential. Amy can be reached at amyj@originaljones.com.
Shelton Langley
Shelton Langley earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from NC State University in 2005. He taught four years at Clayton High School and 11 years at SouthWest Edgecombe High School. During his 15 years in the classroom he served as an English teacher, P.E. teacher, and yearbook advisor. He was also the co-founder of the Student Leadership Corps at SouthWest Edgecombe High School. He was very active in interscholastic sports, serving as a head coach for cross country, basketball, softball, and baseball. He is a Certified Interscholastic Coach through the National Federation of State High School Associations. He also served as SouthWest Edgecombe’s Assistant Athletic Director for five years and is a Certified Athletic Administrator through the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. He received a Master of School Administration degree from Barton College in 2020. Since July 2020 he has been the assistant principal at Greene County Middle School. Shelton can be reached at sglangle@ncsu.edu.

Jennifer Lecorchick
Jennifer Lecorchick earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She later earned a Master of School Administration and Supervision degree from Duquesne University with a Post- Masters degree – Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction. As a teacher, Jennifer has served the educational system across three different counties within NC – Wake, Franklin and Mecklenburg School Districts. Jennifer taught middle grades science and math and coached cheerleading in Wake and Franklin Counties. In the elementary setting within the Wake County Public School System, she has served as STEM Coordinator along with teaching science and math. She is currently serving as the Assistant Principal at Lockhart Elementary School since 2014. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership at NC State University. Jennifer can be reached at jennifer.lecorchick@yahoo.com.

Candice Murtagh
Candice Murtagh earned an undergraduate degree in Criminology from NC State University. In her last years in the classroom, Candice served as School Improvement Chairperson, PBIS Co-Chair, and cheerleading coach. She was awarded Terrell Lane Middle School’s Teacher of the Year for the 2016-2017 school year. After being a middle school science teacher for 13 years, she earned a full fellowship as part of NC State University’s Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA) where she graduated with a Master of School Administration degree in 2018. She completed her NELA Principal Residency at Franklinton Middle School in 2018. Candice is a 2019 recipient of NC State University’s US Department of Education grant titled, “The Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA) 2.0: Developing and Sustaining Effective Leaders for High-Need Rural Districts,” in the amount of $4,000 for Terrell Lane Middle School. She was also a presenter and guest panelist at NC State University’s 2019 NELA Summer Conference: Building Teacher Efficacy: The Key to School Improvement. Candice currently serves as Assistant Principal at Terrell Lane Middle School, where she works to build effective relationships with students, teachers, parents and the community. She is active in social justice organizations and currently leads an effort to implement Restorative Justice and Social Equity practices. She is honored to continue her education at NC State University to earn her Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Administration and Supervision. Candice can be reached at chmontag@ncsu.edu.

Janet Roberts
Janet Roberts received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies from Shaw University. She later earned a Master of School Administration degree from NC State University. Janet has worked in education for the last 30 years within the Wake County Public School System. She has served in various committees and roles during her tenure, Board Advisory Committee for Student of Color (Special Education Task Force), Family Engagement Committee, and the Discipline Review Committee. Janet has taught special education – elementary and middle school for 14 years and has served as a school administrator – middle and high school for 16 years. Janet’s most significant accomplishment has been her work with students identified as at-risk, which she prefers to refer to them as students of promise. Janet has worked with families, court counselors, various schools, outside agencies, and community leaders to support student’s academic and behavioral growth. She believes that establishing healthy positive relationships between her students and families has been the key to student success in changing lives. When students learn the importance of education and its role in shaping their lives, they tend to do better. Janet is currently serving as the principal of Connections Academy, an alternative middle school in the Wake County Public School System. Cornerstone practices implemented at Connections are Restorative Justice, CRM (Community Resiliency Model), MTSS (Multi-Tiered System), and PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports). Janet can be reached at Jlrober4@ncsu.edu.
Tiffany Scott
Tiffany Scott earned a Bachelor of Science degree in School Health Education from East Carolina University. She earned a Master of Art in Teaching and Learning degree from Nova Southeastern University. She began her career in education as a Health & Physical Education teacher at Knightdale High School, while also serving as basketball coach and track coach. She served as the Physical Education Pupil Instructor (PEPI) coordinator, working with students aspiring to become teachers and neighboring elementary schools to provide coordinated PE lessons for elementary students. Additionally, she served as a partner for parent and community engagement, conducting food and shelter drives for those in need. Tiffany served as an Assistant Principal at Enloe Magnet High School for six years (2014 – 2020) and currently serves as an Assistant Principal at Neal Magnet Middle School. Tiffany can be reached at tscott5@ncsu.edu.

Shantel Summerfield
Shantel Summerfield earned a Bachelor of Science in Middle Grades Education with a concentration in Language Arts and Social Studies from NC State University. Upon completion of her student teaching experience at Davis Drive Middle School, Shantel was a Social Studies teacher at Davis Drive Middle and served as the Social Studies Department Chair, School Improvement Chair, Academic Math and Reading Tutor and Step-Team Advisor. Shantel earned National Board Certification in 2009 and graduated with a Master of School Administration degree from NC State University in 2009. Shantel serves as Assistant Principal at Mills Park Middle School. In this role she has led efforts in the areas of equity, intervention and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS). Shantel is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership at NC State University. Shantel can be reached at sascott2@ncsu.edu.

Erin Swanson
Erin Swanson is the Director of Innovation for Edgecombe County Public Schools in Tarboro, NC. She supports school and district leaders in their efforts to reimagine school, so that all scholars are prepared to design their own futures, navigate change, and make a difference in the world. Prior to assuming this role, she served as the founding principal of Martin Millennium Academy, Edgecombe County’s first K-8 global school with a leadership focus. She received a Master of School Administration as part of NC State University’s first Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA) cohort. Before joining NELA, Swanson was a member of the Teach For America – Eastern North Carolina staff for six years, serving as Executive Director, Senior Program Director, and Program Director. Swanson initially joined the Teach For America corps in 2002 and taught English in rural Warrenton, NC, after graduating from Wake Forest University in 2001. She is married to Daniel Riley, a leadership coach, and they have two young daughters. Erin can be reached at erinleighswanson@gmail.com.

Mariah Walker
Mariah Walker, a Raleigh, NC native, fell in love with her hometown. She believes it is her responsibility to give hope to her home community, and for the past 15 years, she has done so through Wake County Public Schools. At Sanderson High School, Mariah nourishes her community without reservation. After creating WISE (Women Inspiring Success in Eachother) and SANKOFA Moms (a motherhood collective for new teen moms), Mariah’s heart called her to a different population. She left the high school arena to support elementary education and found a home in the Hawks’ Nest at Hilburn Academy. She currently serves as the only PreK-8 principal in Wake County. Her days range from floortime in PreK to Letterland in elementary to coding with middle schoolers. Since arriving at Hilburn, Mariah helped staff Exceed Expected Growth while challenging staff to thrive in their values and vulnerability. With Mariah, Hilburn successfully created a Nursing Mother’s Pod for new mothers, implemented strategies for resilience through The Community Resiliency Model, and achieved Green School of Quality Status. The radiance of her students is the elixir of her work. Mariah believes that every person owns a vivid story, full of joy and resilience; a story intricately interlaced in the threads of our own beautifully complex journey. Mariah is a Wolfpack through and through! She graduated in English, Secondary Education in 2006 and returned in 2008 and 2010 for Graduate School in the College of Education! #GoPack Mariah can be reached at mathorpe@ncsu.edu.
Laura Wilson-Wadsworth
Laura Wilson-Wadsworth earned an undergraduate degree in Secondary Mathematics Education from NC State University and taught 9-12th grade Mathematics at Franklinton High School for nearly a decade. She was recognized as Franklin County Schools Secondary Mathematics Educator of the Year in the 2014-2015 school year and participated in the North Carolina Governor’s Teacher Network. In her last years in the classroom, Laura served as the Math Department Chair, served on the School Leadership Team, School Improvement Team, and the school’s Professional Development team. Throughout her teaching career, she also served as a teacher mentor, student government sponsor, varsity cheerleading coach, and competition team cheerleading coach. Laura earned a Master of School Administration degree from NC State University and was a member of the Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA). NELA is a fully-funded scholarship program, ranked Top Principal Preparatory Program in the United States, (one of only five to earn this distinction from the University Council of Education Administration). She is in her fourth year serving as an Assistant Principal for Bunn High School. Laura is a 2019 recipient of NC State University’s US Department of Education grant titled, “The Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA) 2.0: Developing and Sustaining Effective Leaders for High-Need Rural Districts,” in the amount of $6,500 for Bunn High School. She was also a presenter and guest panelist at NC State University’s 2019 NELA Summer Conference: Building Teacher Efficacy: The Key to School Improvement. Currently, Laura is a member of Franklin County Schools’ Remote Learning Team and Bunn High School’s Remote Learning Team. She is also an alumna of the NC Principal’s & Assistant Principals’ Association’s inaugural cohort of Distinguished Leadership in a Remote Learning Environment. She was Franklin County’s Assistant Principal of the Year in 2021. Laura can be reached at llwilson@ncsu.edu.

Youlonda Wynn
Youlonda Wynn currently serves as the Assistant Director of Federal Programs for Wayne County Public Schools. Youlonda previously served as the principal of Brogden Primary School (PreK-4) and the assistant principal of Grantham School (K-8) in Wayne County. Before moving into administration, Youlonda taught in grades two, four, and five. Youlonda received her Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from North Carolina Central University, attending as an NC Teaching Fellow and graduating Summa Cum Laude. She received her Master of School Administration degree from East Carolina University, attending as an NC Principal Fellow. Youlonda has been named both Assistant Principal of the Year and Principal of the Year for Wayne County Public Schools. She is a member of the Epsilon Phi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Youlonda can be reached at youlonda.wynn@gmail.com.