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Mar 30, 2020

College of Education’s Master of School Administration Program Wins Opal Mann Green Engagement and Scholarship Award

The NC State College of Education’s Master of School Administration program has been recognized with NC State’s Office of Outreach and Engagement’s Opal Mann Green Engagement and Scholarship Award.

Mar 27, 2020

$3.75M Grant Will Help Train New Cohorts of School Leaders Through Innovative Principal Preparation Program

The NC State College of Education will be able to train new cohorts of school leaders through its innovative principal preparation program and develop new partnerships with North Carolina schools through a grant from the N.C. Principal Fellows Commission.

Mar 5, 2020

Matthew Bristow-Smith, NELA Cohort III, weighed in on the NC School current school performance grade (SPG) model.

“Let me be frank about this: a single letter grade cannot capture the complex ecosystem of a school. There are so many other indicators of school performance beyond achievement and growth. “-Matt Bristow-Smith

Mar 2, 2020

Jennifer Crisco, NCSU Principal Fellow, and Principal Bennett Jones, NCSU Ed.D., are making a difference at Clayton High School by embracing 21st century learning.

“Clayton High School is an example of what can be done when high-quality teachers and principals work together to make sure students get what they need to succeed.” Alex Granados, EdNC.

Feb 24, 2020

NELA Cohort I Graduate, Tracy Neal, recognized as Principal of the Year for the second time in Warren County.

Nov 15, 2019

NELA Cohort IV Graduate, Donnell Cannon, was the final keynote speaker to the NC State Board of Education.

Cannon emphasized equity as the guide towards closing the gap between high performing schools and those needing turnaround. Want to become a school leader like Donnell Cannon? We’re accepting applications for our new distance education cohort. Click here for application information. Ed NC: State Board gets master class in school turnaround

Oct 29, 2019

NELA Cohort I Graduate, Erica Shoulders-Royster, was named Franklin County Principal of the Year for the 2019-2020 school year.

Erica is the principal of Franklin County Early College.

Oct 9, 2019

Dr. Lauren Lampron, NC State EdD and NELA Cohort III Graduate, was named Edgecombe County’s Principal of the Year.

Dr. Lampron has served as principal of WA Pattillo Middle School since 2015. WA Pattillo has met or exceeded growth every year under her leadership; exceeding growth 4 out of 5 years.

Sep 25, 2019

NELA VI Graduate, Mike Casey, has been nominated for AP of the Year in Pitt County

Mike Casey is an assistant principal at G.R. Whitfield School.

Sep 13, 2019

NELA Cohort V Graduate, Johanna Parker, featured in the September issue of Our State Magazine

Johanna Parker transforms 100 year old Eastern North Carolina textiles into handbags.