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Sep 21, 2023

Matt Bristow-Smith (NELA Cohort III) featured in a News and Observer article advocating for increased teacher salaries.

Matt Bristow-Smith currently serves as principal at Edgecomb Early College High School. He was the 2019 Principal of the Year.

Sep 15, 2023

Dr. Lauren Lampron (NELA Cohort III 2014) and EdD (2018) named NC Principal Fellows Program Director

Lauren serves as the principal at SouthWest Edgecombe High School.

Sep 14, 2023

Cassandra Harley (NCLA Cohort) was quoted in an EdNC article where she highlighted the following as a key for student success, “impressing upon students the importance of education.”

Cassandra serves as principal at Coker-Wimberly Elementary School in Edgecombe County.

Sep 12, 2023

Chad Horner (NELA Cohort VI) was honored as a NCPS Hero.

Chad was honored for his response to the summer tornado. He serves as AP at Red Oak Middle School.

Sep 7, 2023

Allison Price (JPLA 2020) will be participating in the Future Ready Leaders cohort this year with other select APs from WCPSS.

Allison serves as AP at Ballentine Elementary.

Sep 7, 2023

Julie Thompson (NELA Cohort IV) and RRGSD Superintendent, announced that RRGSD has successfully exited its low-performing status.

Sep 6, 2023

Erica Dale (WPLP 2020) recognized by Harnett County Schools

Erica was recognized for her service at South Harnett Elementary School.

Aug 31, 2023

Leshaun Jenkins (JPLA 2020) featured in EdNC Article

Aug 31, 2023

Brittney Mary Lopez (NELA 2022) named Edenton-Chowan Public Schools AP of the Year

Brittney Mary Lopez (NELA 2022) named Edenton-Chowan Public Schools AP of the Year for her service at Chowan Middle School. She earned an undergraduate degree in Child and Adolescent Studies with a medal in Community Engagement from California State University Fullerton. In 2015 she began teaching third grade at Nashville Elementary where she was awarded Beginning Teacher of the Year. She taught fourth and fifth grades as an Extended Impact Teacher at Coker-Wimberly Elementary. She was recognized as a Teacher with Value-Added score in the top 25 percent statewide for three consecutive years before transitioning to her current role as Multi-Classroom Leader. In this role she served teachers and stakeholders in third, fourth and fifth grade. She is a Teach for America Alumna and acting support staff member. She started her Principal Residency at W.A. Pattillo Middle School, and then served at Tarboro High School.

Aug 31, 2023

Rachel Brackney (NELA 2025) named Edgecombe County Public Schools Teacher of the Year

Rachel Brackney named Edgecombe County Public Schools Teacher of the Year for her service at SouthWest Edgecombe High School. She earned an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Missouri. She was a 2015 Teach for America corps member and served her first three years in Bertie County. Rachel continued her teaching career in Edgecombe County where she currently serves as a Math 1 teacher at SouthWest Edgecombe High School. Throughout the years, she has served as the head of the science department, School Improvement Team representative, mentor teacher, athletic director, and softball coach.