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Leelynn Biggers

Oct 31, 2017

Principal Appreciation Surprise for Graduate, Melissa Richardson

Melissa Richardson is a NELA Cohort I graduate. She is currently serving as Principal at Franklinton Elementary School. In honor of her work there so far, her school recognized her with a Principal Appreciation Month Parade! See the twitter post from Franklin County Schools below. Franklinton Elementary surprised Principal Melissa Richardson with a parade for…

Oct 2, 2017

Happy Principal Appreciation Month!

October is Principal Appreciation Month! Graduates of NC State’s Educational Leadership Academies are hard at work in our schools. We are grateful for our NELA graduates and current DPLA, NCLA, NELA Cohort VI, and Principal Fellows for serving kids in North Carolina. Our graduates are already touching so many teachers, students, and communities. Principals are…

Sep 7, 2017

Dr. Lance Fusarelli on “Digital education: Opportunities and pitfalls”

Dr. Lance Fusarelli discusses digital education on an EdNC EdTalk.

Sep 1, 2017

NELA VI: Great First Week of Principal Residencies

As students eagerly filled the hallways and classrooms during the first week of the 2017-18 school year, the NELA VI Cohort Fellows gathered in these same spaces to begin a year-long journey of their own. Entering into the second year of the program, the NELA Fellows began their Principal Residencies this week. The purpose of…

Sep 1, 2017

DPLA Fellows begin their Principal Residencies!

Students, parents, and school leaders across Durham Public Schools (DPS) were filled with excitement to kick off the new school year. This year, 14 Durham Principal Leadership Academy (DPLA) Fellows are serving as Principal Residents throughout DPS. The DPLA Fellows are in their second year of coursework at North Carolina State University. They will graduate…

Sep 1, 2017

First Week of School for NCLA Principal Residents!

Kicking off the school year with eagerness to serve, 20 Principal Residents for the North Carolina Leadership Academy (NCLA) prepared to welcome scholars into schools throughout the eastern part of North Carolina. NCLA Fellows are serving in schools in Edgecombe, Duplin, Greene, Franklin, Lenoir, and Wilson County Schools. Fellows will spend the year being coached…

Aug 28, 2017

Dakisha Perry, Cohort V Graduate, named Assistant Principal!

Dakisha Perry is a NELA Cohort V graduate. She was recently hired as Assistant Principal at Laurel Mill Elementary School! The school is in Franklin County, NC. This exciting news was featured in an article in the local newspaper, The Franklin Times, which is included below.

Aug 27, 2017

DPLA Fellow, Matt Hickson, assists with Anti-Bullying Pledge

Durham County Schools implemented an Anti-Bullying campaign. The initiative asked students to sign a pledge against bullying. DPLA Fellow, Matt Hickson, and Bull City Schools United helped initiate this campaign. The anti-bullying pledge seeks to prevent bullying for all students. Read more about the initiate in this article from The Herald Sun.

Aug 22, 2017

Exceeding Expectations for Growth – Teicher Patterson at Enfield Middle School

Teicher Patterson is a Cohort 2 Graduate of the Northeast Leadership Academy at NCSU. He became principal at Enfield Middle School, now Enfield Middle STEAM Academy, in 2014.  At the end of the school year in 2015, students at Enfield Middle completed their statewide tests. Enfield Middle School’s Performance Composite Grade Level Proficient grew 3.7…

Aug 11, 2017

Tonya Jones (NELA-DST Graduate) Named Assistant Principal of Manning Elementary School