Graduate Kim Scott is Northampton Principal of the Year!

Kimberly Scott graduated with the Northeast Leadership Academy’s first cohort.
Ms. Scott earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Social Science from Elizabeth City State University. She has taught first grade through fourth grades. She was awarded Teacher of the Year and Master Teacher of the Year at Rick Square-Creecy Elementary School. She completed an administrative internship at Bearfield Primary School. She completed the NELA program in 2012 and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership at NC State. Ms. Scott was Assistant principal at Ahoskie Elementary School from 2012 to 2016. She was named principal of Willis Hare Elementary School in 2016.
Ms. Scott’s school reported that she “is an energetic leader that strives to impact the lives of students, teachers, and the community”. She was recently selected as Northampton County School’s 2018-2019 Principal of the Year! Congratulations to Ms. Scott!