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Jun 1, 2020

Aspiring Superintendents Train Under Former Statewide, National Educational Leaders Through College of Education’s Educational Leadership Doctoral Program

The NC State College of Education has a history of graduating principals with a track record of improving low performing schools in North Carolina, but in order for those principals to succeed, they need to be supported by district leaders who encourage and accept an innovative approach. The college’s Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership…

Jun 1, 2020

Mike Casey ‘18MSA Named Pitt County Schools 2019-2020 Assistant Principal of the Year

G.R. Whitfield School Assistant Principal Mike Casey ‘18MSA went to college to become an engineer. Then he auditioned for the jazz band. What started out as a love of music turned into a love of music education, and he’s been passionate about both teaching and educational leadership ever since. “Next to great teachers, effective school…

May 25, 2020

NC State College of Education Welcomes 46 New Fellows to Principal Preparation Program

Four cohorts of new principal fellows will begin their two-year journey to become school administrators this May through the NC State College of Education’s Master of School Administration (MSA) program.

May 25, 2020

NELA Cohort III, Edgecombe County Principal of the Year Lauren Lampron ‘14MSA, ‘19EDD: ‘I Hope My Work Serves as a Catalyst to Allow Education to Become an Equalizer in Our Society’

After earning her bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2010, Lauren Lampron ‘14MSA, ‘19EDD joined the Eastern North Carolina Corps of Teach for America, where she was placed in Edgecombe County. She has served in that county ever since. A decade later, Lampron is leading W.A. Pattillo Middle School, where she was named the 2019-20 Edgecombe…

May 18, 2020

Matt Hickson, DPLA Graduate, Uses Community Resources to Encourage Student Literacy

The Durham Public School System hosts meal sites across the county to feed families in need each week. Recently, educators have become more creative with how they connect with their students while distributing food. The traditional school year wrapped up pretty quickly for Durham Public School families, leaving students no time to return their books.…

Apr 22, 2020

Jenny O’Meara, NELA Cohort IV, shares expertise in national conversations on the future of education

On Tuesday, April 14, 2020, the Hunt Institute hosted a virtual webinar, “Supporting Student Needs Amidst School Closures.” The webinar included Dr. John Gordon III, the superintendent of Suffolk Public Schools; Shelly Parks, the 2019 Missouri Teacher of the year; and North Carolina Principal Jenny O’Meara. The panelists discussed how educators are meeting the diverse…

Mar 30, 2020

U.S. News Ranks NC State College of Education #31 in Nation, 5 Programs in Specialty Categories

NC State Educational Administration and Supervision tied #14 in the nation and #1 in N.C.

Mar 30, 2020

College of Education’s Master of School Administration Program Wins Opal Mann Green Engagement and Scholarship Award

The NC State College of Education’s Master of School Administration program has been recognized with NC State’s Office of Outreach and Engagement’s Opal Mann Green Engagement and Scholarship Award.

Mar 27, 2020

$3.75M Grant Will Help Train New Cohorts of School Leaders Through Innovative Principal Preparation Program

The NC State College of Education will be able to train new cohorts of school leaders through its innovative principal preparation program and develop new partnerships with North Carolina schools through a grant from the N.C. Principal Fellows Commission.

Mar 5, 2020

Matthew Bristow-Smith, NELA Cohort III, weighed in on the NC School current school performance grade (SPG) model.

“Let me be frank about this: a single letter grade cannot capture the complex ecosystem of a school. There are so many other indicators of school performance beyond achievement and growth. “-Matt Bristow-Smith