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Jul 30, 2015

Highlight on A Summer Community Internship

The NELA 2.0 grant specifies that fellows participate in a full-time summer community internship. The internship focuses on the community that surrounds the fellow’s school. They also write grant proposals to receive funding, making a connection between the community and the school. Cohort IV Fellow, Crystal Davis, served at Franklin County Cooperative Extension in Louisburg,…

Jun 16, 2015

Talking about School Culture with Dr. Kent Peterson

NELA fellows from all Cohorts along with school leaders in the Northeast were invited to a professional development focused on School Culture and led by Dr. Kent Peterson. The PD started with a one-day session discussing school culture. On the second day, participants ventured in the community and learned about local business culture.

May 1, 2015

NELA Fellow is AP of the Year

May 2015 – NELA Fellow, Kendrick Alston received the Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year Award.

Apr 19, 2015

Riverside Middle School learns about Addiction

Riverside Middle School, where Tonya Little is assistant principal, had the opportunity to learn about addiction through a hands-on experiment with flatworms. The students also used sugar and caffeine as addictive substances. They were able to participate in the learning opportunity through a grant from East Carolina University. To read more about this project, click…

Apr 8, 2015

Student Leadership at SouthWest Edgecombe

Keith Parker, Cohort IV fellow, held a leadership conference at his school. Keith is currently serving as a United States History teacher at SouthWest Edgecombe High School while he is a student in the Northeast Leadership Academy. The conference he hosted was led by his leadership students who trained others in Covey’s Seven Habits and…

Mar 18, 2015

Uniting to Tackle Child Hunger

NELA fellows attended the NOKid Hungry Conference in Chapel Hill, NC. Keynote speakers included Dr. Mike Steiner, Chief of the Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at UNC Heath Care, and Duke Storen, Senior Director at Share Our Strength. NC non-profit organizations were also present including PORCH, Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, and Grocers on Wheels.…

Mar 3, 2015

Visit to AB Combs

Cohort IV fellows visited A.B. Combs Elementary School. The school uses Covey’s Seven Habits to promote student leadership. Fellows and NELA Team members were greeted at the entrance of the school by students dressed to represent different countries. We watched a student-led presentation and student-led choir before being led around the school by student-tour guides…

Feb 7, 2015

Who Will be in the Next Group of Rural School Leaders?

Cohort IV fellows assisted with Candidate Assessment Day. Applicants of the Master of School Administration Program at NC State and applicants of the Northeast Leadership Academy (Cohort V) participate in in-depth experiential exercises at Candidate Assessment Day. Cohort IV fellows assisted with filming in the video booths, interviewing candidates, and many other tasks. To learn…

Jan 19, 2015

NELA Visits the Ron Clark Academy

Cohort IV and some fellows from previous cohorts were accompanied by Dr. Wirt, Dr. Riddick, Jennifer LaGarde, and Leelynn on the trip to Atlanta, GA. On Friday evening, busloads of educators were greeted by Ron Clark and his enthusiastic students and teachers. Friday night events included a school tour of RCA and its new facility…

Dec 30, 2014

South Creek Middle Advances to Statewide FIRST Lego League Tournament

Students ranging in age from 9 to 14 competed in a regional tournament focused on STEM concepts on November 22nd, 2014. It was a FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology in students) Lego League qualifier tournament. The teams participating created and programmed autonomous robots. They also did a research project to develop…