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Mar 2, 2020

Jennifer Crisco, NCSU Principal Fellow, and Principal Bennett Jones, NCSU Ed.D., are making a difference at Clayton High School by embracing 21st century learning.

“Clayton High School is an example of what can be done when high-quality teachers and principals work together to make sure students get what they need to succeed.” Alex Granados, EdNC.

Feb 24, 2020

NELA Cohort I Graduate, Tracy Neal, recognized as Principal of the Year for the second time in Warren County.

Nov 20, 2019

“Northeast Leadership Academy Prepares Committed Principals”

Read more about how “NC State’s Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA) takes a radically different approach to school leadership development”

Nov 15, 2019

NELA Cohort IV Graduate, Donnell Cannon, was the final keynote speaker to the NC State Board of Education.

Cannon emphasized equity as the guide towards closing the gap between high performing schools and those needing turnaround. Want to become a school leader like Donnell Cannon? We’re accepting applications for our new distance education cohort. Click here for application information. Ed NC: State Board gets master class in school turnaround

Nov 13, 2019

“NC State Wins APLU National Economic Engagement Award”

“NC State highlighted three programs playing a part in this approach:” including the Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA)

Oct 29, 2019

NELA Cohort I Graduate, Erica Shoulders-Royster, was named Franklin County Principal of the Year for the 2019-2020 school year.

Erica is the principal of Franklin County Early College.

Oct 14, 2019

NELA Graduates Prioritize Attendance

Attendance Matters at Winstead Avenue Elementary Principal Yolanda Wiggins (Cohort I) and Assistant Principal Jenifer Lewis (Cohort II) have been working to increase attendance at Winstead Avenue Elementary. Winstead Avenue has won the “Attendance Matters” award from the Down East Partnership for Children. School leaders have been focusing on students remaining in school for the…

Oct 14, 2019

Mike Casey, Cohort VI, named AP of the year for Pitt County Schools

Mike has served as the Assistant Principal at G.R. Whitfield School two years. Mike was apart of NELA cohort VI and graduated with an MSA in the Spring of 2018. Michael Casey has been named Assistant Principal of the Year for Pitt County Schools!

Oct 9, 2019

Dr. Lauren Lampron, NC State EdD and NELA Cohort III Graduate, was named Edgecombe County’s Principal of the Year.

Dr. Lampron has served as principal of WA Pattillo Middle School since 2015. WA Pattillo has met or exceeded growth every year under her leadership; exceeding growth 4 out of 5 years.

Oct 4, 2019

Dr. Kimberly Ferrell named 2019 Principal of the Year for Durham Public Schools

Dr. Ferrell is a NCSU graduate of the doctoral program in Education Administration and Supervision (EAS) was named Principal of the Year for Durham Public Schools. Congratulations Dr. Ferrell!