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Leelynn Biggers

May 18, 2018

NC State CED’s Article: “Otis Maben ‘18: Awakening his Inner Leader”

Otis Maben, DPLA Graduate, interviewed for NC State’s College of Ed News.

May 14, 2018

JPLA, WPLP, and NCSU Cohort Fellows Start Classes!

On May 12th, new Fellows began classes! Johnston Principal Leadership Academy (JPLA), Wake Principal Leadership Program (WPLP) and the NCSU Cohort began their Principal Preparation journey with Dr. Lodge McCammon. They learned about flipped classroom techniques. View the video below for an overview of their first class session!

Apr 10, 2018

NCLA & NELA VI Fellows Selected as Franklin County APs “Five Assistant Principals Selected for Next School Year”

Franklin County Schools posted an article about new leadership hires.

Apr 6, 2018

NELA Graduate, Lauren Lampron in EdNC’s Article, “Trauma-informed discipline procedures being piloted at Pattillo Middle School in eastern North Carolina”

Lauren Lampron is serving as Principal at WA Pattillo Middle School, where they have implemented trauma-informed discipline

Apr 5, 2018

Article by DPLA Fellow, Matt Hickson, also featured in EdNC “Young people are taking action; our move, educators”

Matt Hickson wrote this article with Jacqui Batts and Tracey Barrett.

Apr 2, 2018

DPLA Fellow, Matt Hickson, writes article “School is not rehearsal for the ‘real world.’ When students speak, let’s listen”

Matt Hickson, current DPLA Fellow and Principal Resident at Hillside High School featured in The Herald Sun.

Mar 12, 2018

Photo of Graduate, Kendrick Alston, Wins “Best of the Best” State Award

The Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools District was recognized for their “effective communications and public relations”. The school district won several state awards including the Gold award for photography. A photo of NELA Graduate, Kendrick Alston, won the “Best of the Best” Award for photography. The photo was taken by Ashley Denton. Kendrick Alston serves as…

Mar 5, 2018

NCLA Fellow, Byron Bullock, Interviewed in WUNC Podcast “When Kids Come To School With Trauma, These NC Teachers Try And Listen”

Graduates, Lauren Lampron and Julie Simpson and, NCLA Fellow, Byron Bullock serve at WA Pattillo.

Feb 20, 2018

EdNC Visits NCSU’s Candidate Assessment Day

EdNC highlights NC State’s unique Candidate Assessment Day.

Feb 16, 2018

University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Highlights NCSU Academies

UCEA discusses NC State’s Leadership Academies and success in their School Leadership Program (SLP) grant highlights.For more information about this highlight, visit: